Latest: v5.0.1


Public Key for PGP Signing

Starting from v3.3.4 all source tarballs and binaries are signed.

The key currently used is: 4096R/5B7CC9A2
Fingerprint: D8F3DA77AAC6741053599C136E4A2D025B7CC9A2
You can also download it from here

Previously the following key was used to sign the v3.3.4 source tarballs and v3.3.4 Windows installer only: 4096R/520EC6F6
Fingerprint: F4A5FD201B117B1C2AB590E2A1ACCAE4520EC6F6

Windows 10 / 11

Windows icon

Download qBittorrent v5.0.1 (multiple installer choice)

(Additional download options)
Installer (64-bit) Info Mirrors PGP Signature
5.0.1 Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 1.2.x series. FossHub, SourceForge FossHub, SourceForge
5.0.1 (qt6 lt20) Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 2.0.x series. FossHub, SourceForge FossHub, SourceForge

Checksums and library versions
Version SHA2-256
5.0.1 5513812584a5ba7810b812db7ceec2d0e9cb214cef95a2580e29927cf4fe9921
5.0.1 (qt6 lt20) e0487907256abcae773f2f94739c1e8fb8c3b3dd52783db8c7a093325b917b00
Library Version
libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.19+git8ad05ebd41 / 2.0.11+git6a2c1eef6f
Qt 6.7.3
Boost 1.86.0

Download nightly builds

macOS Big Sur / Monterey / Ventura / Sonoma

macOS icon

Download qBittorrent v5.0.1 (multiple DMG choice)

(Additional download options)
DMG Info Mirrors PGP Signature
5.0.1 Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 1.2.x series. FossHub, SourceForge FossHub, SourceForge
5.0.1 (qt6 lt20) Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 2.0.x series. FossHub, SourceForge FossHub, SourceForge

Checksums and library versions
Version SHA2-256
5.0.1 e0d52860cc41929bdab42df6c3405c1fb867d8dad514e4295df1eadcd64580f1
5.0.1 (qt6 lt20) 64eab233b7feffe21d6366f40f8808782c76e5c9a342e6c74e4abdfc77702653
Library Version
libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.19+git8ad05ebd41 / 2.0.11+git6a2c1eef6f
Qt 6.7.3
Boost 1.86.0

Download nightly builds

The macOS version is barely supported, because we don't have active macOS developers/contributors.
The project is in need of macOS developers. If you are a macOS developer willing to help, just go to our bug tracker for a list of macOS related issues. Or try to fix bugs that you yourself have discovered and annoy you.


linux icon

Download qBittorrent v5.0.1 (multiple AppImage choice)

(Additional download options)
AppImage Info Mirrors PGP Signature
5.0.1 Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 1.2.x series. FossHub, SourceForge FossHub, SourceForge
5.0.1 (qt6 lt20) Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 2.0.x series. FossHub, SourceForge FossHub, SourceForge

Checksums and library versions
Version SHA2-256
5.0.1 a0c3af177a53411a5e08a312e783ea9f0e31af372c1a7836d896360a0020c609
5.0.1 (qt6 lt20) 96a95721699dac6260173793c14b5acaacd02a5920090443ec4f474a306bbfbd
Library Version
libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.19+git8ad05ebd41 / 2.0.11+git6a2c1eef6f
Qt 6.7.3
Boost 1.86.0

Download nightly builds

The stable AppImage is created on Ubuntu 20.04. It should work on any other similarly aged distro.
The unstable AppImage is created on Ubuntu 22.04. It should work on any other similarly aged distro.
For native packages and Ubuntu PPAs take a look at the Other Binary Packages section below.

Source Tarball

tarball icon

Current version: qBittorrent v5.0.1

Download link: TAR.GZ / PGP signature (SourceForge)
Download link: TAR.XZ / PGP signature (SourceForge)

Compile instructions over here.

Checksum SHA2-256
TAR.GZ 673b6f37237e6000590dacf1e8d19a50ba56c1ad8e98514bbe91a9647fac783a
TAR.XZ 03435c292091cc953ff078da8fd224b9e45074842ea72caa82a4ead72b402e69
Dependency Recommended version
libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2 branch latest release
Qt Latest stable release
Boost Latest stable release
OpenSSL 1.1 branch latest release
zlib Latest stable release
Python (optional, runtime only) Versions later than 3.5.0

Other Binary Packages

Old Release Archive